2024 Communication Marketing Conference (CMC)
Peppermill Resort – Reno, NV
The conference starts on Monday morning, November 4 and ends on Wednesday evening, November 6th.
CMC Kick Off
Events kick off with an opening general session that also serves as the annual member meeting. As a participant in the conference your company is also a member of CMA.
At this meeting, conference logistics and updates will be shared, new member companies will have an opportunity to introduce themselves to all attendees and any CMA
organizational business will be discussed and voted upon.
Manufacturer Training Sessions
Training sessions for manufacturers are assigned in 50-minute blocks, starting at 8am Monday and ending Wednesday.
Manufacturers should sign up early – based on your product type and when you sign up, manufacturers are assigned two 110-minute blocks by the CMA Representative Board Members. We do the best we can to accommodate your preferred schedule but cannot guarantee that we can do so. We also do our best to make sure competitive companies are assigned within the same blocks so that reps can attend the maximum number of different training sessions. Make sure your reps and distributors attend by signing up early for training sessions.
The Rap Room
The rap room is open from 7:30am to 6pm on Monday and Tuesday. This is where manufacturers, reps and distributors can gather for networking, meetings and to
visit the table-top displays from new manufacturers and other suppliers.
Reception and Networking
Plan to join with all of the attendees for the opening cocktail reception and other networking events during the conference.
How to Register
Registration to 2024 will open soon! Watch for newsletters in your inbox.